Canadian universities are divesting from fossil fuels.
Why not York?
12 universities across Canada have made public commitments to stop holding investments in fossil fuels, including U of T, Waterloo and UBC. We believe York U should follow suit.
York's university academic plan has committed the university to the United Nation's sustainable development goals and to climate action -- it is time to move from words to action. Billions of dollars of financial assets are held in the York endowment fund and pension plan. We believe in a York U refuses to hold investments in the financially unstable fossil fuel industry. The same industry that has perpetuated colonial violence and the climate crisis for decades. A portion of these funds should instead be committed to help build a just and sustainable future. That is climate leadership.
As members of the York U community deeply concerned about the climate crisis and its unequal impact on communities in Canada and across the globe, we urge York U to publicly commit to a rapid and permanent halt to investments in the coal, oil and gas sectors.
The financial landscape is changing. It's time that York U's investment strategy does as well.

Latest updates
April 25, 2022
A letter from the Office of the President is received, delaying a meeting with York's Board of Governors until Fall 2022 at the earliest. In light of conversations with YU Fossil Free and recent commitments from other universities, York's VP of Finance has been asked to review York's investment strategy and put forth a recommendation to the Board.
We look forward to speaking with the Board on behalf of concerned faculty and students as soon as possible.
January 24, 2022
A second open letter signed by students, student organizations, faculty, staff and CUPE 3903 is sent to President Lenton and the York University Board of Governors calling for leadership and action on the calls raised by the campaign regarding sustainable and responsible investing.
November 27, 2021
The YU Fossil Free petition reaches 500 signatures. The petition calls on President Lenton and the Board of Governors to remove all university investments in fossil fuels, increase transparency around investments and to a portion of the Endowment and Pension funds in socially and environmentally sustainable alternatives.
November 12, 2021
YU Fossil Free joins other university divestment campaigns in the Divestment Day of Action.
November 5, 2021
Response letter received from President Lenton and the Chair of York's Investment Committee.
October 6, 2021
Divestment 101 Webinar event held on Zoom! Students and faculty came together to learn about why fossil fuel divestment is important at York University.
July 5, 2021
Open letter regarding the York University Pension Fund sent to President Rhonda Lenton and the Board of Governors. The letter was signed by CUPE 3903, the Osgoode Hall Faculty Association (OHFA), the York University Faculty Association
(YUFA) and the York University Staff Association (YUSA).
March 8, 2021
Open letter regarding the York University Endowment Fund sent to President Rhonda Lenton and the Board of Governors.

Regenesis York
Regenesis York is the York University chapter of Regenesis, a Canadian student-involved university and college based environmental and community-building organization.
For more information, go to their website, Facebook or Instagram.

OPIRG at York​
OPIR at York is a student-funded, student-run organization at York University with a mandate to educate & advocate for social, political, economic, and environmental justice.
For more information, go to their website, Facebook or Instagram.

Asian Law Students' Association
The Asian Law Students Association (ALSA) is a progressive organization dedicated to fostering a community, network of support, and vehicle for advocacy for all students at Osgoode Hall Law School.
For more information, go to their Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

United Caribbean Islands
The United Caribbean Islands is a student-run club spreading awareness of West Indian culture, and aims to unite those born in the Caribbean, of the diaspora, and for those who love the Caribbean culture.

CUPE 3903
CUPE 3903 represents the contract faculty, teaching assistants, graduate assistants, and research assistants at York University. With almost 3,700 members, CUPE 3903 is the largest trade union on campus. The CUPE 3903 executive committee voted to endorse YU Fossil Free on May 5, 2021, and the general membership voted to endorse YU Fossil Free on May 31, 2021.
For more information, go to their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or website.
Environmental and Urban Change Students' Association
The Environmental and Urban Change Students' Association (EUCSA, formerly BESSA) is the student association representing 400 undergraduate students in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change.
For more information, go to their Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Graduate Political Science Students Association
The GPSSA is the democratic body representing the concerns of graduate students in the Department.
For more information, go to their website.

Glendon College Students Association
The Glendon College Student Union is a bilingual student-elected body which governs Glendon College, York University.
For more information, go to their website, Facebook, or Instagram.

Department of Cinema and Media Arts
On March 10, 2021, the Department of Cinema and Media Arts passed the following motion: "We YUFA members in CMA, as members of the York Community, recognizing the climate emergency, call for immediate action and call on the Office of Sustainability at York, and the President's and Provost's offices to set 2030 (not 2049) as the deadline goal for Fossil fuel divestment and net zero Carbon Neutrality for all our campuses, as part of the 2020 UAP, and reflecting a fuller commitment to the UN SDGs."

Glendon Faculty Council
On April 23, 2021, the Glendon Faculty Council passed the following motion: "Consistent with the mandates on sustainable development and climate action in the 2020-2025 University Academic Plan and York University’s sustainability goals, Glendon Faculty Council calls on President Rhonda Lenton and the Board of Governors to divest from fossil fuels and invest in a just and climate-safe future"

Faculty of Health Council
On May 5, 2021, the Faculty of Health Council passes the following motion: "Consistent with the mandates on sustainable development and climate action in the 2020-2025 University Academic Plan and York University’s sustainability goals, the Faculty of Health Council calls on President Rhonda Lenton and the Board of Governors to divest from fossil fuels and invest in a just and climate-safe future."

Social Impact Management Association
The Social Impact Management Association (SIMA) at Schulich School of Business is a club for MBA students and graduates interested in driving societal change.
For more information, go to their Instagram.

Lassonde Engineering Society
The United Caribbean Islands represents over 1500 undergraduate engineering students at York University, and helps their members to develop professional skills and connections.
For more information, go to their website, Facebook or Instagram.

Law and Society Students' Association (LANDS)
The Law and Society Students' Association is a growing student association that fosters connections between LA&PS departments, provides an inclusive and collective space for students, and helps students who appreciate the influence of law in social life connect through social and academic events. LANDS endorsed YU Fossil Free on June 22, 2021.
For more information, go to their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or website.
Lunik Co-op
Lunik Co-op is a student-run student-owned non-for profit cooperative and café space dedicated to providing students with a safe and inclusive space on Glendon Campus, with roughly 3000 co-op members.
For more information, go to their website, Facebook, and Instagram.
Geography Graduate Students’ Association
GeoGSA represents and advocates for the collective interests of Geography grad students in all matters of policy and action at York.
For more information, go to their website.

Historical Society of York University

Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) Faculty Council
On April 8, 2021, the LA&PS Faculty Council passed the following motion: "Consistent with the mandates on sustainable development and climate action in the 2020-2025 University Academic Plan and York University’s sustainability goals, LA&PS Faculty Council calls on President Rhonda Lenton and the Board of Governors to divest from fossil fuels and invest in a just and climate-safe future"

Department of Social Science
On April 13, 2021, the Department of Social Science Council passed the following motion: "Consistent with the mandates on sustainable development and climate action in the 2020-2025 University Academic Plan and York University’s sustainability goals, the Department of Social Science Council calls on President Rhonda Lenton and the Board of Governors to divest from fossil fuels and invest in a just and climate-safe future"

Stay tuned for more updates!
If you are part of a group on campus that would like to support our campaign, please contact

Osgoode Environmental Law Society
ELS aims to provide a forum where Osgoode students can get involved in sustainable activities, meet like-minded environmentally-oriented students and access information about environmental careers and events.

Legal and Literary Society
The Legal and Literary Society is Osgoode Hall Law School's primary student government, coordinating professional, athletic, social and extracurricular activities for students.
For more information, go to their website, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Osgoode Indigenous Students' Association
The Osgoode Indigenous Students' Association seeks to develop community relations within the Osgoode student body and with Indigenous communities and to advocate for cultural competence in the next generation of legal professionals. The OISA endorsed YU Fossil Free campaign on June 1, 2021.
For more information, go to their Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Carbon Free York University
Carbon Free York University exists to provide York University with facilitation of sustainable initiatives, education and practices across the campus, and is open to all students, staff and faculty regardless of race, religion, gender or any other discriminatory measure.
For more information, go to their Facebook, Instagram, or their website.
PhD Environmental Studies Students Association
PhESSA looks after the rights and interests of EUC PhD students through representation on Faculty committees.
For more information, go to their website.

York Federation of Students
The YFS is the central undergraduate students' union at York University, proudly representing over 53,000 students/members.
For more information, go to their website, Facebook, or Instagram.

Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change (EUC) Council
On April 15, 2021, the Faculty of EUC Council passed the following motion: "Consistent with the mandates on sustainable development and climate action in the 2020-2025 University Academic Plan and York University’s sustainability goals, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change Council calls on President Rhonda Lenton and the Board of Governors to divest from fossil fuels and invest in a just and climate-safe future"

School of Social Work
On April 13, 2021, the School of Social Work passed the following motion: "Consistent with the mandates on sustainable development and climate action in the 2020-2025 University Academic Plan and York University’s sustainability goals, The School of Social Work calls on President Rhonda Lenton and the Board of Governors to divest from fossil fuels and invest in a just and climate-safe future"

YUFA (York University Faculty Association)
YU Fossil Free is a subcommittee of the YUFA Climate Emergency Committee. "The York University Faculty Association is the professional association and certified bargaining agent for approximately 1,500 faculty, librarians, archivists, and post-doctoral visitors at York University."
For more information, go to: